Belvís de Monroy


The Belvís de Monroy plant is located in the municipality of Belvís de Monroy (Cáceres). Its installed capacity amounts to 1.9 MWp and is currently in operation under RD661/07. The electricity produced is connected to the local Iberdrola distribution grid.

PV Modules:     Guofei, Sunland, Trina, Canadian Solar.
Inverters :   SMA.
Technology:   Double axis trackers.
Annual Avoided Emissions :      7,155 Metric Tons CO2.
Household Supply:     1,264 homes.

PPA System :   FiT under Spanish RD661/207.
System size :     1.9 MWp.
Start construction date :     June 2008.
Commissioning date :    July 2008.
EPC Contractor :    OPDE, S.A.
O&M Provider :    OPDE, S.A.
Land:  Hectares.